
US must address Pacific Island priorities to get onside - expert

Friday 15 July 2022 | Written by RNZ | Published in

The announcement the US will 're-engage' with the Pacific has been met with both excitement and uncertainty in the region, but may not be an easy win, an expert on international security says.

Tourism industry hit hard by King tides

Thursday 14 July 2022 | Written by Matthew Littlewood | Published in

Adventure tourism businesses are having to postpone activities at the peak of the tourism season due to the heavy swells.

Recruitment continues for workers

Monday 11 July 2022 | Written by Matthew Littlewood | Published in Business, National

Accommodation providers in Rarotonga are still looking to Fiji to source extra workers.


Teaching at the edge of the world

Saturday 9 July 2022 | Written by Matthew Littlewood | Published in Features, Weekend

Sherrin Hibbard will soon say goodbye to Palmerston Island Lucky School and go on another nautical adventure.


RAT Eradication Programme on Suwarrow completed

Saturday 2 July 2022 | Written by Te Ipukarea Society | Published in

Te Ipukarea Society staff members, Alanna Smith and Kelvin Passfield sailed up to the northern group island of Suwarrow at the beginning of June for a RAT Eradication programme on the tradition Vaka Marumaru Atua. In this daily blog, Alanna explains the rat eradication programme since they have been in Suwarrow.

Business on Rarotonga benefiting from the return of tourists

Tuesday 28 June 2022 | Written by Supplied | Published in

With the borders now open to Rarotonga, tourism businesses are starting to bounce back after being severely impacted by Covid-19, but so are non-tourism businesses.

Olympic Week sees hundreds getting active

Saturday 25 June 2022 | Written by Caleb Fotheringham | Published in Features, Go Local

The Ability Olympics, Mini Olympics and a fun run were all part of Olympic Week celebrations by Cook Islands Sports and National Olympic Committee (CISNOC).


Race Against Time to Suwarrow

Saturday 28 May 2022 | Written by Te Ipukarea Society | Published in

It’s that time of the year again for the Suwarrow Park Rangers to head back to our national park for the next six months to carry out their duty of acting customs and biosecurity officers for passing yachties.

Te Aponga Uira fixing faulty street lights around Rarotonga

Thursday 26 May 2022 | Written by Sian Solomon | Published in

Te Aponga Uira staff have been out and about fixing faulty street lights across Rarotonga.

‘I feel optimistic about the future of the economy here’

Saturday 21 May 2022 | Written by Al Williams | Published in Economy, National

New Zealander Bernadette Shaw has helped lead a Cook Islands bank through a period of ‘unique challenges’.


Sports news in brief

Wednesday 11 May 2022 | Written by RNZ | Published in

Wimbledon wildcard shock for young player, draw made for OFC Nations Cup, and Moana Pasifika game gets new date.

Cooks and Samoa kick start international rugby league action

Thursday 5 May 2022 | Written by RNZ | Published in

International rugby league is set to return next month for Pacific nations with the Cook Islands to play Samoa as part of a double-header.

Man convicted for abetting watermelon theft

Saturday 16 April 2022 | Written by Matthew Littlewood | Published in

A 47-year-old man has been convicted and ordered to come up before the court in six months’ time after pleading guilty to having a role in the theft of two watermelons.

Covid-19 cases in Raro ‘levelling off’, says PM

Saturday 9 April 2022 | Written by Matthew Littlewood | Published in

Hospitilisations for Covid-19 in the Cook Islands remain at zero, with Prime Minister Mark Brown saying the island nation could become a ‘case study’ for the rest of the world.

Aggravated robbery jury trial gets underway

Tuesday 15 March 2022 | Written by Al Williams | Published in Court, National

The jury trial of a man charged with aggravated robbery began in Rarotonga on Monday.


Record number of new cases detected

Monday 7 March 2022 | Written by Caleb Fotheringham | Published in Health, National

Thirty-seven new cases of Covid-19 were detected over the weekend, bringing the total number of cases to 132 with 123 still active.


Arson accused switches plea at the eleventh hour

Tuesday 1 March 2022 | Written by Caleb Fotheringham | Published in

A man charged with arson set to be sentenced in the High Court on Friday asked to switch plea at the eleventh hour to ‘not guilty’.

Arorangi prison under possible lockdown

Tuesday 22 February 2022 | Written by Sian Solomon | Published in

Arorangi Prison on Rarotonga looks to be in lockdown but no one in authority appears to have an explanation.

Cops to get combat training

Wednesday 9 February 2022 | Written by Al Williams | Published in Economy, National

Police officers will soon join prison wardens, probation and justice staff in elite close encounter technical combat system classes.


New water tanks for Manihiki

Wednesday 2 February 2022 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in

The construction of the first two new 20,000 litre water tanks for the northern island of Manihiki are expected to be completed next week.

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