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Driver of the week

Thursday 23 March 2017 | Published in Smoke Signals


There are so many contenders for Driver of the Week, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for the smoke-signalling judge of the contest to make a decision. However, the winner – or winners, this time are the local pair on a motorbike who rode around the seawall on Sunday evening as it was getting dark, way, way over the speed limit – and with the headlight turned off. Oh, and there were no safety helmets in sight.

There are so many contenders for Driver of the Week, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for the smoke-signalling judge of the contest to make a decision. However, the winner – or winners, this time are the local pair on a motorbike who rode around the seawall on Sunday evening as it was getting dark, way, way over the speed limit – and with the headlight turned off. Oh, and there were no safety helmets in sight.

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