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Letter: Fire dangers

Friday 18 August 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


Letter: Fire dangers

Thank you to the anonymous writer for raising the issues around electrical items being supplied in the Cook Islands.

It is irresponsible that some retailers are taking the “buyer beware” attitude to their customers. Fire danger (and the risk of electrical shock) are issues that must be taken seriously in our community and one that we at CIPS Electronics check on all the products we supply.

Read more: Letter: Fire dangers

To sell a 120V rated unit without a convertor is downright dangerous and irresponsible. It is not just double the voltage – it is four times the power – and a fire just waiting to happen!

I hope each of these items raised by the writer have been referred to the particular retailer and that this practice has been arrested.

Daniel Ahau

CIPS Electronics