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Stepping into a digital future

Saturday 29 August 2015 | Published in Education


Stepping into a digital future
Nukutere College Head of Art and IT Clark Williams with tech-savvy year seven students Tutai Herman (left) and Christian Holford showing off their digital learning skills.

Hundreds of schools in New Zealand have implemented ‘bring your own device’ (BYOD) policies, where students are either told or allowed to bring electronic devices such as iPads or laptop computers to aid learning. With the Cook Islands Ministry of Education about to purchase more than $90,000 worth of laptops and mini iPads, CI News reporter Phillipa Webb takes a look at what’s switching up digital learning in the Cooks...

Hundreds of schools in New Zealand have implemented ‘bring your own device’ (BYOD) policies, where students are either told or allowed to bring electronic devices such as iPads or laptop computers to aid learning. With the Cook Islands Ministry of Education about to purchase more than $90,000 worth of laptops and mini iPads, CI News reporter Phillipa Webb takes a look at what’s switching up digital learning in the Cooks...

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