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Why fathers do matter

Friday 28 September 2018 | Published in Church Talk


Why fathers do matter
We fi nd in 1Chronicle 29.19 that King David prayed for his son, Solomon. He prayed, “Give my son Solomon a wholehearted desire to obey everything that you command and to build the Temple for which I have made these preparations.” 19082707

The newly appointed Minister of Police recently expressed his concern over youth offending in the Cook Islands and is keenly interested in addressing the issue. We may not be able to isolate any one cause to this problem, but we can be sure that parenting in the home, especially by fathers, plays a significant role.

The newly appointed Minister of Police recently expressed his concern over youth offending in the Cook Islands and is keenly interested in addressing the issue. We may not be able to isolate any one cause to this problem, but we can be sure that parenting in the home, especially by fathers, plays a significant role.

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