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Coco and Daisy in the South Pacific

Saturday 20 August 2016 | Published in Weekend


Coco and Daisy in the South Pacific
Daisy and Coco (left) pose for a photo with deputy prime minister Teariki Heather on Constitution Day. 16081914

Xinling Gao (Coco), is a journalist with the Shanghai Morning Post in Shanghai, China. Recently she and her friend Daisy embarked on an adventure to follow their dreams, spending a year and a half travelling to Fiji, Kiribati, Samoa, New Zealand, the Cook Islands, and Australia. In the days following their visit to Rarotonga and Aitutaki, Coco wrote a story about their trip, which she kindly gave to CI News.

Xinling Gao (Coco), is a journalist with the Shanghai Morning Post in Shanghai, China. Recently she and her friend Daisy embarked on an adventure to follow their dreams, spending a year and a half travelling to Fiji, Kiribati, Samoa, New Zealand, the Cook Islands, and Australia. In the days following their visit to Rarotonga and Aitutaki, Coco wrote a story about their trip, which she kindly gave to CI News.

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