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Aitutaki taskforce members receive warrants

Thursday 13 July 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Crime, National, Outer Islands


Aitutaki taskforce members receive warrants
Manakaa Makimare, Joel Pumati, and Ngatokorua Rota, were presented their warrants. POLICE SERVICE / 23071111

Three members of the Arenikau Taskforce have been warranted as Honorary Constables and sworn in by Inspector Maeva Kirikava.

Inspector Kirikava travelled to Aitutak recently as part of an ongoing Police outreach programme, supported by the Police Commissioner.

They are Manakaa Makimare, Joel Pumati, and Ngatokorua Rota.

This weekend, two more taskforce members Tai Crummels and Tiri Teuru are expected to also receive their warrants.

Police Commissioner James Keenan who was in Aitutaki a few months ago. said he was impressed with the work of the taskforce, a volunteer group during a training and consultative visit.

The Arenikau Taskforce, were the same team that were first onsite to put out a fire at Araura College last month.

Police media officer Trevor Pitt said some team members were the first to arrive at the fire scene at the school after they were alerted by two Fijian hotel workers, who saw it while going past.

Makimare, Pumati, and Rota officially commenced with their roles the day they received their warrants.

The three now have the legal authority to work more closely alongside the Aitutaki Police team, in dealing with unlawful activity and community issues.

According to the Aitutaki Morning Star News, Rota said he was honoured to be given the opportunity to step up and work closely with the Aitutaki police officers.