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TB cases detected

1 June 2024


Alleged rapist in remand

27 April 2024

Rugby league

Moana target 2025 World Cup

11 November 2022


Letters to the Editor

Letter: ‘Holes’ in water tariff report

Dear Editor, Regarding proposed water tariffs: the subject of Ruta Mave’s article (15 July); and the subsequent response from the Cook Islands Tourism Industry Council (Letters, 19 July).

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Mistreatment of cattle

For years I’ve been concerned about the mistreatment of cattle kept around the town end of the runway. A lot of them are kept in areas where there is no grass but mimosa pudica plants that are toxic to cattle.

Helping the young help themselves

His faced was emblazoned on our screens this week: Another young life caught up in bad decisions and now on the run from a bench warrant, pursued by the police and public till his capture I saw on social media this morning.


Bishop 'horrified' at water baptism opinions

“I was somewhat shocked and horrified by the rambling thoughts and blatant mockeries made upon the Word of God in CI News on Monday by a local pastor, preacher and teacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.



Now that there's some spare money...

In view of the Finance minister’s recent announcement that we are flush with money and “we are in a good position to be able to advance our priorities”, may I suggest to the Health minister, Nandi Glassie and his ministry, that this is absolutely the right time to be applying some real pressure on his colleagues in Cabinet to deliver the facilities and services contemplated by the Ministry of Health (Mental Health) Regulations 2013.


Virtues caught, more than they're taught

Thinking back to your childhood, can you remember how it felt to be you?


Justice ministry faces huge problems

For the next two weeks the Land Court will be sitting to hear various applications.


When your number's up, get healthy!

Fifty-one. Glaring back at me in luminous blue was the number 51.


Good start PM, now the next move...

Last week, we read of prime minister Henry Puna doing a great deed.


Making order out of chaos

At this season of my life, I have a longing for order and simplicity.


What I know about being a unionist

People have asked me what I know about being a unionist.


Counting the cost of 'free association'

I had the privilege of voting today as a New Zealand citizen, because I was born in New Zealand and have a New Zealand passport.


Issues come with 'developed' status

I found Mark Brown’s article in CI News on September 21 quite interesting.


MOP confident it can meet lending criteria

It seems I overestimated expected objections to the Merchant of Paradise (MOP) Paradise Prosperity Plan (PPP).


Conflicts of interest must be dealt with

In most governments, Cabinet ministers are strictly forbidden to have conflicts of interest.


'Selective justice' cause for concern

Prime minister Henry Puna last week referred to my column, written two weeks earlier, as “a pathetic attempt to discredit this government”.


When is a union not a union?

If you have been reading a number of my articles over the last few months, you will note that I have raised a number of issues regarding the treatment of foreign workers by Cook Islands employers.


Virtue of Peacefulness brings great blessings

International Peace Day is being proclaimed by the United Nations on September 21.


Crying foul over our poultry

It was interesting reading in CI News yesterday comments made by a tourist from New Zealand complaining about the chickens and chicken poo everywhere on Rarotonga.


Plan private enterprise: Tepaki

Merchant of Paradise director Tim Tepaki has delivered a broadside to critics of his plan to create new developments on the outer islands and resurrect the Sheraton hotel project. Here he outlines why he believes the critics have got it all wrong.


Inquiry into death called for

A lady relative of mine died last Thursday morning.


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