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Penrhyn seeks airport upgrade for tourism boost

With a population of around 200 people, the residents of Penrhyn always look forward to welcoming yachters who contribute a little to their economy. However, Penrhyn executive officer Puna Vano says the island needs an upgraded airport to contribute more significantly to its tourism economy.


Visitor ordered to pay $28,000 reparation for Titikaveka crash

A visitor to Rarotonga was convicted of excess blood alcohol and careless driving after a car accident, resulting in a $28,000 reparation.

Former bank governor promotes access to credit for micro enterprise

A former governor of the Central Bank of Solomon Islands, focused on aid dependency and widening income gaps in the Pacific in his presentation at this week’s regional conference on the global economic crisis in Vanuatu. Anthony Hughes, took part in the session on inclusive economic growth and social policies on Thursday. “All Pacific countries […]


Pacific urged to create concrete outcomes

On the final day of a regional conference on the global economic crisis, Fiji’s Wellington Sevens win was cited as an example of how the Pacific can rise to its economic development challenges. University of the South Pacific vice chancellor Rajesh Chandra said the Pacific’s strength in sport could serve as a lesson for tackling […]


No health cuts: Faireka

The national health budget cannot be allowed to suffer further cuts this year says health secretary Tupou Faireka. He is currently head of the eight-member Cook Islands delegation attending the Pacific conference on the global economic crisis (GEC) in Vanuatu this week. Many countries have heard and are repeating that critical social services such as […]


Family law consultation cancelled

Christine Forster, the UNDP representative scheduled to present at yesterday morning’s family law consultation, had just given a speech about legal separation of man and wife when minister of justice Apii Piho issued an emergency evacuation warning. The consultation drew 26 participants – from police, the ministry of justice, Punanga Tauturu, crown law and the […]


Human face of crisis captured in essay

Twenty-two year old Solomon Islander June Atomea won the Human Face story competition in the lead up to this week’s Pacific Conference on the Human Face of the Global Economic Crisis. On Wednesday evening she received her prize from United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) administrator Helen Clark in Port Vila, Vanuatu where the conference wraps […]


Crown law welcomes back senior counsel

As the crown law office bids a temporary farewell to counsel Martha Henry, who for the next nine months will be studying in Sydney, it welcomes returning senior crown counsel Catherine Evans. Evans worked for crown law in 2005 and for family reasons returned to her hometown in New Zealand. But her connection to the […]


Pacific youth look at economic crisis impact

Eight Pacific islands youth delegates will attend the UN Pacific Conference on The Human Face of the Global Economic Crisis currently being held in Vanuatu. Earlier this week the youth delegates joined eight Vanuatu youth advocates for a pre-conference for youth leading up to the ‘GEC’ conference. The youth conference was hosted by UNICEF – […]


Strong leadership, vision needed: Clark

Strong leadership, vision, good policies, and concerted action is needed in responding to economic and other crises, says UNDP administrator Helen Clark. She made this point in her keynote address at the opening of the Pacific Conference on the Human Face of the Global Economic Crisis in Port Vila, Vanuatu. “Working together, pooling our strengths […]


Te Au O Tonga to undergo refurbishment

The Aitutaki members of the Cook Islands Voyaging Society are about to start the refurbishment of vaka Te Au O Tonga which sailed to the outer island last month. Voyaging society member and Aitutaki businessman Mike Henry reports that they’ve already purchased fibreglass, new decking (Solomon hard wood) for the reburbishment project. This month the […]


Family law reform consultations begin today

If the weather permits, the ministry of internal affairs and Punanga Tauturu will kick off a series of lectures and workshops that will explore civil law reform this morning. The consultation will cover areas such as marriage, dissolution of marriage, childcare, child and spousal support, property division after marriage or relationship breakdown, domestic violence and […]


Vanuatu conference addresses youth issues in region

Pacific youth are like the reef around an island — having to face the most impacts when the full tidal wave of the global economic crisis hits says Tonga youth representative Taniela Sila at a conference in Port Vila. “The tidal waves of the GEC are building up right now. The youth is like a […]


Why we need national seats

Dear Editor, National electoral seats are being proposed by some but rejected by political parties. Why? Because political parties and politicians are threatened by them. Why? Because national seats are designed to give voters more choice and reduce the control of the country by the political parties and to give us a higher quality of […]


Teachers take to the water

Rarotonga primary school principals and teachers took to the water last Thursday afternoon to get a better understanding of delivering aquatic education to their children. The ministry of education’s health and physical education advisor Katie Rogers delivered the hands-on aquatic workshop at the Nikao social centre beach. The aquatics programme is all part of promoting […]


Island states hit hard by crises

The convergence of two global crises – first the food and fuel crisis and now the economic crisis and climate change impacts have put a large strain on the development of the Pacific’s small island developing states (SIDS). But Dr Noeleen Heyzer, executive secretary of the United Nations’ Economic and Social Commission for Asia and […]


Economic crisis compounds critical issues in Cooks

The global economic crisis has compounded the issues of depopulation, limited economic development and high food prices in the country. Internal affairs secretary Bredina Drollet says these issues have already been a challenge for several decades but have worsened because of the crisis which began in 2008. “There are signs of economic recovery but the […]


Te Kakaia to support parents as first teachers

Parents will soon have access to useful skills and information to help their children with homework and learning activities through a new government programme. The ministry of education Te Kakaia Parent Learning Support Programme should be launched early this year as an initiative to provide parents with strategies on supporting their children’s learning in the […]


Conference looks at economic crisis impact in Pacific

The global economic crisis is often looked at in figures and statistics — as monitored growth rates, deficits and indebtedness of countries. But the cost in human lives and what happens at a household level has yet to be measured. Today high level talks will begin on the impacts of the ‘GEC’ on human lives […]


Police advertise positions

Police commissioner Maara Tetava is currently advertising for three positions which he opened up recently as part of his restructuring plan. The non-sworn positions of finance manager, human resources manager and met services director are up for grabs. Tetava said that the current holders of all three positions will be re-applying for their jobs but […]


Volunteering at hospital on holiday

Maria Peach was studying to be a teacher when her grandparents, Moerau and Makiroa Luka died. Shortly thereafter, a friend of hers died of leukemia and some women she worked with began to develop alcoholism. “I thought it was time to do something, to give back in any way I could,” Peach said. So she […]


Young ambassador to Pacific Youth Conference

Enhancing public health through physical activity and the role of sport in education are just some of the things 17-year-old school girl Raukura Ellison hopes to learn at the first Pacific Youth Conference next month. Raukura is a member of the Cook Islands Youth Ambassadors (CIYA) who will be attending the conference with 300 other […]


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