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Serious questions surround ‘draft’ report

Tuesday 3 November 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor


Dear Editor, As the author of two fairly lengthy letters the first in the Herald (30.09.15) and the second in the CIs News (October 20) republished in the Herald (October 21) on the subject of Government’s mishandling and unlawfully management of the public revenue I cannot help but be aware that in the absence of any plausible denial by the Executive of any wrongdoing, there has nevertheless surfaced news that an investigation is afoot.

Dear Editor, As the author of two fairly lengthy letters the first in the Herald (30.09.15) and the second in the CIs News (October 20) republished in the Herald (October 21) on the subject of Government’s mishandling and unlawfully management of the public revenue I cannot help but be aware that in the absence of any plausible denial by the Executive of any wrongdoing, there has nevertheless surfaced news that an investigation is afoot.

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