Wednesday 13 March 2024 | Written by Supplied | Published in Sports, Triathlon
Over 40 kids took part in the Cook Islands Triathlon annual Paradise Supplies Kids’ Tri event. SUPPLIED/24031220
Over 40 kids mingled excitedly at the Tikioki Tri site, racking their bikes and getting helmets, goggles and trainers ready for their big afternoon.
For many this was their first adventure into the world of triathlon, while for others it was their chance to compete against their friends in a race which was purely for their age group.
The youngest category age 9 years and under took part either individually or in a team in a 100-metre swim, 3-kilometre bike ride and 1km run. The winner in the girl’s category was Leilani Brown and in the boy’s category Jordan Roussow. The first team to cross the line was Y&K.
Cook Islands Triathlon Association president Roland Neururer said: “The competition was fast and frenetic from the start; the lagoon was perfect and the youngest swimmers who were all remarkable showed great skills in swimming the 100m distance.”
For the older kids racing the longer course, competition was a family affair in the 13 to 16-year-old girls race with elder sister Maya Postrzygacz holding off strong competition from younger sister Olivia Postrzygacz to take the win for the fifth consecutive year.
In the boy’s division, the winner was Enrique Joseph, all the way from Aitutaki. Edmund Postrzygacz flew round the course to win the boys age 10-12 years race and 10-12 years girls title went to Amellie Fernwick.
“It was especially great to see a five strong team from Aitutaki join us, thanks to Dani Adendorff,” Neururer said.
“The day was an amazing success and Cook Islands Triathlon Association extends very grateful thanks to all the marshals and volunteers who gave their time to ensure the safety of our kids and the smooth running of the event. To our major sponsor Paradise Supplies, and supporting sponsor Vaima Water who donated very generous prizes and covered all the costs to ensure that this is a free event for our children. Also, to the Raina family for the use of their land.”
The next big triathlon competition is the Annual BSP Women’s Triathlon on March 23. The distances are 400m swim, 16km cycle and 4km run. This can be completed individually or in a team.
“This race is a special one for the ladies and always a firm favourite in the calendar,” Neururer said.
“All ladies encouraged to come and give it a go on your own or in a team with friends.”
Registrations are open via the website or email Roland