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Letter: Why fix something that isn’t broken?

Tuesday 3 October 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


Letter: Why fix something that isn’t broken?

Dear Editor, Please can somebody tell me, why we are fixing something at a huge expense, that isn’t broken?

Punanga Nui Market is iconic as it is, the main front area is prime visibility, with easy access, all week-long vendors can be seen from the main road selling their wares, not just Saturday! If they are tucked down the back, nobody will know they are there! And if people have to park 100 metres away nobody will go there especially in the rain!

Apparently, a big reason for the change is to stop the congestion at the market exit, but the cause of the congestion at the market exit, are the only vendors that aren’t moving! The bakery and Reefside!?

Why not just make the market better as it is? Would be a lot more cost effective. Then they could use the excess money for health, and maybe get patients over to New Zealand before they die!

Concerned market vendor

(Name and address supplied)