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Letter: Tourism budget request

Tuesday 20 February 2024 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


Letter: Tourism budget request

$3.5m to protect Cook Islands’ ‘Golden Goose’? Has it occurred to those promoting tourism and forever singing its praises that if the golden eggs are not shared with all then, ‘what’s the point?’.

We are 30 nurses short in the Ministry of Health and, once again, we’ve gone begging to our friends for money to fill the gap. Is it mismanagement by the Ministry that allowed us to be so short-handed or is it that the omelette made from the golden eggs of the golden goose get eaten up by the likes of free holidays in the Northern group by our politicians?

(Name and address supplied)


graham roper on 21/02/2024

The mis management of the TMO sits clearly with the Minister and the SoH who fail to comprehend the needs of the people over their own self serving oppportunities. Finding 30 nurses that would be prepared to work in a toxic, corrupt TMO is immpossible under the current leadership (Yes, health professionals are more than aware of the current enviroment within TMO). Match this with the PM , in purchasing new cars ($1.7m) that do nothing to improve the health and wellbeing of the people, is a disgrace and sends a message that the Government cares little for the people of the Cook Islands. The golden goose of handouts from NZ, Japan and Australia will soon be over, as directed funds not going to meet the needs of the people of the Cook Islands has become clearier by the day to these Governments.