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LETTER TO EDITOR: Pero’s airline ‘a missed opportunity’

Wednesday 23 November 2022 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


LETTER TO EDITOR: Pero’s airline ‘a missed opportunity’

Dear Editor, It’s disappointing that this government would choose to reject this new airline proposal (Pero’s national airline dreams dashed again, Cook Islands News, November 19).

This would have seen additional flights coming from other parts of New Zealand like Christchurch and Wellington opening up more opportunities for local businesses to export/import product to and from NZ, while receiving more visitors directly from these destinations.

Mike Pero would have funded this airline, not us. The money created would have come from visitors departing from other parts of NZ like Christchurch and Wellington, which in turn would create more revenue for local businesses in the Cook Islands, and remove Air NZ monopoly making airfares more affordable for both locals and tourist, and allow Cook Islanders living in those areas better access to visiting home.

Obviously failed to see the financial gains to the Cook Islands economy and its access for Cook Islands businesses with these additional destinations to import and export product via airfreight!

Fraser Crummer


What a waste of an opportunity. Cook Islands Government are still stuck in day dream mode. Meanwhile the rest of the world around is developing. Take Fiji for example, they have their own carrier who fly long haul to destinations all around the world and they have their own facilities to train pilots and also air crew. Likewise Air Tahiti Nui, investing back into the country. What about the Cook Islands?

Tiki Henry


Well that doesn’t make sense. Why would the Cook Islands Government turn down something that is inevitable? Give it a go Government, what have the Cook Islands got to lose. It could be a win-win situation. Give Air New Zealand competition.

Want more of our people to keep returning home every year for a holiday? Then give us a deal we can’t refuse. Good competition is good business.