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Letter: Food for thought

Tuesday 27 February 2024 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


Letter: Food for thought

Brilliant idea from our Prime Minister that we common folk grow much of our own tucker. Perfect for the young family with a couple of toddlers and both parents working two minimum wage jobs each just to get through the week.

Maybe government can assist with some cheap Chinese headlamps for night gardening being the only ‘free time’ available?
But perhaps it’s the thought that counts, and reducing imported food is certainly a stellar idea. Now all we potential gardeners just want to be 100 per cent sure that our Parliamentarians support the PM and, indeed, when the laden lunch table during Parliament sittings is uncovered for kaikai, can one of our ‘Honourable’ leaders, directly and not through a staff member, assure the public that there is, on that table, not a single morsel of imported food?
We gardeners stand ready, tools, hoses, seeds and enthusiasm all in place, for that assurance that no Parliamentarian has eaten a single bite of imported food, or drink so far this year at Parliament lunch. If you can’t give us that assurance, please Google the word, “hypocrite” and chew on that for lunch.

(Name and address supplied)