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Rarotonga residents recover from floods

Friday 14 May 2021 | Written by Alana Musselle | Published in National, Weather


Rarotonga residents recover from floods
Flooding down Karekare Alley at the residence of local Liz Harawira. 21051312

Rarotonga residents began dealing with the effects of recent flooding on Thursday after torrential rains hammered down over the whole island this week.

Rarotonga residents began dealing with the effects of recent flooding on Thursday after torrential rains hammered down over the whole island this week.

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Love Toall on 15/05/2021

Love answers each question, issue, and resolves them. Good truly loves u, pls stay safe and get both doses of the vaccine, after 2 weeks of the 2nd dose you are vaccinated fully + use a mask even with vaccination to be safe. Eat and exercise healthy to not get the clots. Others and I too love u! Luke;14 Forsake everything everyone and your life for JE Luke;16 Work for JE not $$$, and JE will give you also your family food and clothing if they follow too Matthew;25 and Luke;12, 6 Sell all you have and give to the poor and keep every giving in secret Mark;16 and John;17 Share the Truth to all working together in love also peace Revelation;13 - 14 Never take mark of the beast right hand or forehead only way to buy or sell ¤It is not a covid vaccine or a mask, may be microchip implant / quantum tech Revelation;17 - 18 USA is most possibly the Babylon to be destroyed in 1 hour with fire