Thursday 2 May 2024 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Local, National
Dr George Ngaei and Junior Ioapa were happy to reel in this 20-kilogram Mahimahi. MELINA ETCHES/24043027
Seasoned fishermen Junior Ioapa and Dr George Ngaei have been out at sea every morning for the past two weeks on vessel Bobie Marie landing great catches of decent sized yellow fin tuna as well as some big ones including one weighing 70-kilogram.
“We’ve had good catches, coming in every day with fish,” said Ioapa.
In 14 days, they have reeled in over 100 yellow fin tuna, and have enjoyed feasting on their fresh catches.
Papa Dick Marsters is happy with his catches as well, although most of the tuna leaned to the smaller side.
“It’s good there’s fish out there biting, and you’ve got to get out and fish if you want it,” said Marsters.