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Elderly happy to celebrate festive season

Saturday 17 December 2022 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Local, National


Elderly happy to celebrate festive season
Are Pa Metua regulars, 95-year-old Rangituruturu and 90-year-old Rongo Ezekiela celebrate Christmas. 22121510

There were smiles all around at the Are Pa Metua centre for the elderly this week for their Christmas party and wrap-up for the year.

Regulars at the Are Pa Metua, 95-year-old Rangituruturu Pitomaki and 90-year-old Rongo Ezekiela were happy to see more friends attend the small no-fuss function held at the centre at the Punanga Nui market.

Pitomaki hails from Aitutaki. Her parents are Matangaro Cameron and Arama Henry and she is one of 16 siblings.

She says there is no big secret to living a long life.

“Just eat properly, and have faith in the Lord,” said Pitomaki, adding that it pains her to see so many people who over-indulge in food and become overweight.

Coordinator of the Are Pa Metua, Moana-O-Liliuokalani Marsters, says seeing more 90-year-olds and over attend the centre activities is a blessing.

“This small Christmas kaikai is to celebrate Christmas together. We will close for the rest of the year and hope to see more of our pa metua back next year,” said Marsters.

Next week on Wednesday December 21, the Are Pa Metua will hold a luncheon fundraiser at the Islander Resort to assist raise funds to purchase a van. Please call Marsters on 50592 to purchase a ticket for the lunch event for $50.

“Anyone is welcome to join us for lunch - this is our way of raising money to help buy a van for our elderly. Please support us and buy a ticket,” said Marsters.

“We wish everyone a safe and wonderful Christmas.”