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Te Ra O Te Ui Ariki focuses on keeping traditional titles out of court

Saturday 6 July 2024 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Culture, Features, National


Te Ra O Te Ui Ariki focuses on keeping traditional titles out of court
Makea Karika George Ariki (front left) attended the early 5.30am CICC service at the Avarua CIIC church celebrating Te Ra O Te Ui Ariki public holiday. TUAINE UNUIA/ 24070503

Te Ra O Te Ui Ariki, a public holiday celebrated on the first Friday of July every year, pays tribute to the Ui Ariki, and Aronga Mana (traditional leaders) of the Cook Islands.

Ariki, Ui Mataipo, Ui Rangatira, and Aronga Mana (traditional leaders) on Rarotonga marked the significant cultural heritage of this commemoration day by attending the Cook Islands Christian Church (CICC) services yesterday at 5.30am in their respective Vaka.

Kaumaiti Nui – Tou Travel Ariki expressed that the “tumu tapura” (theme) for Te Ra O Te Ui Ariki is “Auraka te taonga Māori kia riro ki roto i te ture akava-anga - Exemptions of Māori title from the judicial process”.

According to O-Tari-Kura o te Are Ariki (Clerk of the House of Ariki), Dr Tuaine Unuia, the theme is based on working towards addressing the significant issue of traditional titles which end up in the judicial process when families cannot come to a mutual agreement.

“Taking these traditional title matters out of the courtroom to a traditional committee to be heard.”

Teia te taumāro anga i konei, te riro nei te Akava-anga i te tuku i tika ki runga i to tatou Taonga Māori, i te tuatau tikai me tupu te manamanata, e kua akamata i te taumaro ki roto i te kopu tangata. I tetai au atianga e rauka mai ana e rua tangata ki runga i te reira taonga, me ko te taonga Ariki ra, me kore ra te taonga Mataiapo, me kore ra te taonga Rangatira e te vai atura.

I roto i teia mataiti te anoano nei te Are Ariki i te tiki atu i te tika a te au matakeinanga, enua tangata no runga i teia tumu tapura, me rauka mai tetai tika manea mei roto mai i te iti tangata, kua akamata i reira te Kumiti i te akano’o i tana au tuanga no te akarakara anga i te ture, e te akatano atu anga i teia manako ki roto.