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Legacy waste collection kicks off

Saturday 2 September 2023 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Environment, National


Legacy waste collection kicks off
The “Tita’ ki te Tita’ kore Project has been eagerly anticipated by National Environment Service and Cook Islands General Transport acknowledging the years of legacy waste accumulation that have prompted their collaborative efforts. NES/23082005

National Environment Service (NES) in partnership with Cook Islands General Transport (CIGT) launched the Titā ki te Titā kore, E-Waste & Whiteware collection project this week.

Oire Nikao will be the first Puna/village on the island to engage in the legacy waste programme starting next week on Monday running through to Tuesday September 19.  

The Nikao Drop Off zone for legacy waste to be collected is at Blackrock, Nikao (signs will be posted) from 9.30am - 1.30pm.

The End of Life Vehicles (ELV) collection days for Nikao will be from Wednesday    September 20 to Thursday October 5. 

Commercial and private household rates will apply, and there will be a limit on the number of items individuals can drop off for disposal.

For example, items valued at more than $20, each person can bring up to three items to be disposed of; for items valued less than $20, the maximum limit is seven items per person. 

These measures have been put in place to ensure an efficient and fair collection process.

Recycling and disposal fees for commercial businesses and private households will be managed by CIGT.

Additionally, individuals will be required to register with CIGT to ensure a smooth transition of collection once the programme starts.

This initiative is aimed at tackling the environmental and health risks posed by improper and lack of disposals for whiteware, electronic waste (E-Waste) and end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) on Rarotonga.

Households and businesses who require the waste collection programme are asked to complete a registration form available at the drop off site, which is also available on the NES website

NES received funds for the 2023/24 and 2024/25 financial year appropriation to support the safe collection removal, transportation and recycling of legacy waste on Rarotonga.

Environment Services acknowledge “legacy waste” is an issue as embedded in the 5-Year Strategic Framework, National Environment Policy 2022-32 and work plans under multiple Multilateral Environment Agreements.

The last legacy waste collection drive was done by NES in 2014, with sporadic community projects in the last three years through Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme (GEF-SGP) facilitated through Cook Islands Red Cross. 

In Vaka Puaikura, Ruaau will start their collection days from 7th October - 6th November, Akaoa from 8th November - 7th December, and Murienua from 8th January - 8th February 2024.

Those Puna who are not currently listed on the schedule, NES asks for patience and kindness as they implement Phase 1.

For more details about the project, please contact: Mii Herman (NES) or Jessie Sword(CIGT)