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Musical feast promised for Beach Day Out

Sunday 22 March 2015 | Published in Entertainment


Musical feast promised for Beach Day Out
Beach Day Out director Mark Franklin, has just returned from a two month series of performances in New Zealand with local lead guitarist Anania Browne (pictured) in their acoustic guitar duo “The Sharp Blax”, he says things have been changed up for this year's festival to cater for expected increased numbers.

In the spirit of the 50th celebrations, organisers of the annual Beach Day Out music festival to be held on Easter Friday April 3 promise a fantastic eight hour event that aims to showcase the very best of local Cook Islands musicians, entertainers and dance.

In the spirit of the 50th celebrations, organisers of the annual Beach Day Out music festival to be held on Easter Friday April 3 promise a fantastic eight hour event that aims to showcase the very best of local Cook Islands musicians, entertainers and dance.

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