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Authorities monitoring mosquito virus

Friday 1 May 2015 | Published in Health


Authorities monitoring mosquito virus
One of the symptoms of Chikungunya, Zika and Dengue is a rash which usually develops once the virus has run its course. Image: Luz Sosa (World Health Organisation).

With the first cases of Zika recorded in Vanuatu this week, the Ministry of Health say they are watching out for a return of the virus here in the Cook Islands.Currently, the only dengue-like virus affecting the islands is Chikungunya, as Dengue Fever and Zika were contained towards the end of last year with no cases reported since.

With the first cases of Zika recorded in Vanuatu this week, the Ministry of Health say they are watching out for a return of the virus here in the Cook Islands.Currently, the only dengue-like virus affecting the islands is Chikungunya, as Dengue Fever and Zika were contained towards the end of last year with no cases reported since.

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