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11 November 2022

Confusion over border reopening

Wednesday 10 November 2021 | Written by Caleb Fotheringham | Published in National


Confusion over border reopening
Mark and Louisa Castledine with their two children who are both under the eligible age for the Covid-19 vaccine – 21110918

Locals are uncertain what a border exclusively open to those aged 12 and over will mean for their families and businesses.

Locals are uncertain what a border exclusively open to those aged 12 and over will mean for their families and businesses.

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Sally Wyatt on 10/11/2021

Agreed. My family is looking forward to some more clarity here. The policy should allow normally resident children back in and extend to children of people who have CI work visas (there are a few teachers and doctors who need to come in for work and need to bring their kids, not many). These children will be vaccinated in the Cook Islands as soon as they are allowed to be, will be tested prior to flying and are unlikely to get gravely ill. So they actually pose very little risk to the Country.