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Anzac Dawn Service returns to the Cenotaph

Monday 26 April 2021 | Written by Caleb Fotheringham | Published in Local, National


Anzac Dawn Service returns to the Cenotaph
Girls’ Brigade and Boys’ Brigade members march off during the Dawn Service - 21042506

It was a welcome sight for many as the Anzac Dawn Service returned to the Cenotaph in Avarua yesterday, after Covid-19 meeting restrictions put a hold on the remembrance ceremony being held there last year.

It was a welcome sight for many as the Anzac Dawn Service returned to the Cenotaph in Avarua yesterday, after Covid-19 meeting restrictions put a hold on the remembrance ceremony being held there last year.

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Dobby Potter on 27/04/2021

Serve the Maker and He will give u food + clothing. Luke*14 Forsake everything, everyone, and yourlife for Him Luke*12 and Matthew 6 Sell everything and give all away to the poorpeople, but keep your giving in secret Matthew*25 Give to poor and needy to make Him happy Luke*16 Work for Him, never for $$$$, then He will give you and your family if they come the food and clothes Matthew*28 Tell the Truth to everyone John*17 Work together in love & peace Do not take the Mark of the Beast right hand forehead, to be the only way to buy or sell (not an covid mask nor vaccine, rather could be a quantum or other implant) Revelation*13 & 14 US fits the description of the Babylon, to be destroyed with fire in one hour Revelation*17 & 18 HE loves everyone, and we ought to love Him most back