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Opposition congratulate former PM Henry Puna

Thursday 4 February 2021 | Written by Katrina Lintonbon | Published in National, Politics


Opposition congratulate former PM Henry Puna
Former PM Henry Puna and Demo leader Tina Browne.

Former Cook Islands Prime Minister Henry Puna was yesterday named the new Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum, becoming the first Cook Islander to take up the top regional role.

Former Cook Islands Prime Minister Henry Puna was yesterday named the new Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum, becoming the first Cook Islander to take up the top regional role.

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Hardy Spoehr on 04/02/2021

Aloha. Maika`i and congratulations to Henry Puna and his `ohana. It's so appropriate to finally have a Cook Islander named as Secretary General of the Forum. I had the honor of being with Cookie Sadaraka and our Premier then Albert Henry in Wellington when the Forum was established - primarily by the leadership of Sir Albert and his friendship with Ratu Mara from Fiji. They were, indeed, such a dynamic force in speaking for the independent Pacific nations. Me Ke Aloha, Hardy