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Encouraging locally grown fresh produce on Tongareva

Monday 28 September 2020 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Outer Islands


Two new hydroponics and school gardens have been implemented on Tongareva, courtesy of the Adaptation Funded Pa Enua for Resilient Livelihoods (PEARL) Project. They were handed over to the Tongareva Island Government and community by Infrastructure minister Robert Tapaitau and Agriculture secretary Marama Anguna-Kamana. They are opportunities to increase the consumption of local fruits and vegetables amongst the community on Tongareva and reduce imported foods. Hydroponics encompasses growing plants using water without soil, which for coral islands is a great option and supports locally grown fresh produce in the Pa Enua.

Two new hydroponics and school gardens have been implemented on Tongareva, courtesy of the Adaptation Funded Pa Enua for Resilient Livelihoods (PEARL) Project. They were handed over to the Tongareva Island Government and community by Infrastructure minister Robert Tapaitau and Agriculture secretary Marama Anguna-Kamana. They are opportunities to increase the consumption of local fruits and vegetables amongst the community on Tongareva and reduce imported foods. Hydroponics encompasses growing plants using water without soil, which for coral islands is a great option and supports locally grown fresh produce in the Pa Enua.

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