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First Holy Communion – happy to receive Jesus

Tuesday 21 June 2022 | Written by Supplied | Published in Local, National


First Holy Communion – happy to receive Jesus
Bishop Paul Donoghue with children who received the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist - First Holy Communion on Sunday. Photo: Supplied/22062015

Twenty children have received the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist from Bishop Paul Donoghue, witnessed by families and friends who filled the St Joseph’s cathedral on Sunday.

In preparation for their special day, the children committed their time to attend 16 hour long lessons held after school at St Joseph’s Primary School, tutored by teachers Sister Luisa Nava and Dick Ratawake.

Sister Luisa felt emotional watching the children enter the church all dressed up and looking quite serious.

“I was so proud of them, Mr Ratawake had taught them really well, they were all so excited, watching them so happy to receive Jesus brought tears my eyes,” said Sister Luisa.

On behalf of the children, eight-year-old Patrina Tua delivered the introduction piece during the church service saying “our journey to this great day started when our parents agreed to our request to join the First Communion programme because we wanted to receive Jesus”.

Tua says, “I wanted to receive the Sacrament so I can make my Mum proud of me, I was happy and nervous at the same time because I had to do the introduction reading.”

Twenty children received the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist from Bishop Paul Donoghue for the first time. Photo: Supplied/22062017

Numangatini Halston says, “I felt happy and good to receive Jesus and our Holy bread.”

Halston aged eight, read aloud his “Prayers of Faithful” in Reo Maori, “I was comfortable, I was a little bit nervous, and happy to complete it.”

Tiamata – O-Te-Rongo Wilson says, “I wanted to learn about Jesus and to see him, and I wanted to receive Holy Communion, I was excited.”

Ruth Faith was “very happy to receive the Body of Christ, even though I really nervous after it was finished I was very happy our parents and families put ei on us,” she said.

The children also learnt about the Sacrament of Reconciliation which was  conducted on Friday.

The Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, is the eating of consecrated bread and drinking of consecrated wine. Most Catholic children receive their First Holy Communion when they are 7 or 8 years old as this is considered the age of reason.

Children perform a dance routine in celebration the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Photo: Supplied/20062018

First Holy Communion means it is the first time that a person receives the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, which is the eating of consecrated bread and drinking of consecrated wine.

Most Catholic children receive their First Holy Communion when they are seven or eight years old as this is considered the age of reason.

The following children received the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist: Ayzu Anerdis, Aubrey Nicely Aranjuiz, Lucky Arere, Tiraa Tebano Nubono Arere, Ruth Faith, Numangatini Halston, Emmanuel Elijah George Matapo, William Temarii Herati Matapo, Athena Magrete Xenia Matapo, Elleina Napa, Eva Teremoana  Kathleen Noovao, Mariia Taurangi Mary-Grace Teresa Nubono, Teva Aiden Rongo,   Desiree Taurarii, Leihaina Ehulani Anne Anna Savage-Tararo, Catherine Kataraiana Teaurima, Patrina Alexandra Kalailyn Tepaeru Tua, Ngaara Aereata Theresa Tuake, Tehani Regina Pacis Williams and Tiamata-O-Te-Rongo Melanie Wilson.