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Letter: Tereora College dinner fundraiser

Friday 14 June 2024 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


Letter: Tereora College  dinner fundraiser

I am writing on behalf of the Former Tereora College Students to launch our dinner fundraiser to be held next month.

We can’t tell you what to do! We can’t tell you what to wear! But we tell you when to take a break, relax, and have a good time! Calling all past Tereora College students and teachers.

On Friday evening the 26th of July we are called to mobilise at 6pm at The Islander Hotel Bar and Restaurant. Wear your best pareu and island style gear and come out to enjoy the evening away. The same place as always. This time, we will have a real local band, playing our local favourite.

Songs and music. Our own musical stars, Kutia and Tina will entertain us. Let’s dance the night away with only memories and nostalgia to mesmerise us into a universe of heavenly peace and tranquillity.

You know we can call this event a partial reunion. This is a moment to chat and catch up. Where is so and so? Do you know what happened to so and so

What happened to mama? Did those scholarship students ever come back?  What about the past students who grew from David to Goliath in career achievements. Rid ourselves of memory contamination! Ramp up and ignite! 

Dance! dance! dance! Dig! Dig! Dig! Serenade the night away.

For the information of our usual distractors … it is not angaanga kai kava!   Not a drunken orgy locked up inside your tiny brains! This is a real deal! Please recalibrate your thinking. Most of us don’t drink. It is highly respectful. We celebrate in style and class. There will be no drunks, no brawls, no bad language.

There will be unlimited jokes, unlimited laughter and dancing. Wine, beer and other drinks are available in the bar, but not covered by your tickets

Tickets are on sale now at $50 a ticket. The proceeds will be split, $25 to cover your buffet dinner and $25 for Association Funds. Remember the funds will be banked and used to finance scholarships and various aid assistance to help Tereora College of the present day! You can uplift a ticket from any of the following people: Teina Etches phone 21660, Avaiki Mataio 72587, Kopurei Anguna 77592, Maru Pureau 23819. Tickets will be available at the door! Get yours now before the tickets run out. Our tourist visitors are most welcome!   Don’t forget our Association Annual General Meeting will be held next Wednesday at Tereora College staff Room, 5pm on 26 June. Calling on the new generation or is it the new generators… please turn up to help us. One day you will all have to take over from us. Kia Toa. Kia Kaha.

Norman George