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Letter: Playing catch-up again, PM?

Wednesday 26 June 2024 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


Letter: Playing catch-up again, PM?

Dear Editor, Must be something wrong with the way I read the news … I am sure that in Cook Islands News, Monday, June 24th, the PM is quoted as saying in FUTURE tense – “I’ll make sure that we put in place what needs to be done with the Police, etc, etc…”

If indeed the PM takes his Ministerial responsibility so very seriously as he claims, why is he ONLY NOW addressing the issues that have plagued Rarotonga for quite a number of years, and could have been and should have been addressed years ago.

Clearly despite his protestations, the PM is out of touch, and has more interest in where his next five-star trip will take him, rather than staying home for a while and sorting out these serious home issues. To now belatedly make shallow promises to fix the problem – sometime in the future – he should have allocated much more funding to the Police in recent years, raised their wages/salaries, and made it much more attractive for young recruits to accept the challenge of becoming career law officers.

The problems such as burglaries and out of control and illegal bike riders would have been much more under control by now, simply with greater numbers of Police showing their presence around the island.

Playing catch-up again, PM?

(Name and address supplied)


graham roper on 29/06/2024

What is of real concern is the degree of influence the PM has related to the Police and their operations. I think the commissioner was frustrated by the undue, undemocratic interference by the PM. Recent history is telling the story.