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DPM hires Norman George to fight corruption charges

Thursday 6 April 2023 | Written by Al Williams | Published in Court, National


DPM hires Norman George  to fight corruption charges
DPM Robert Tapaitau. 23040541

Deputy Prime Minister Robert Tapaitau has sacked his New Zealand lawyers in favour of Norman George as the pair prepare to face a jury in June.

Deputy Prime Minister Robert Tapaitau has sacked his New Zealand lawyers in favour of Norman George as the pair prepare to face a jury in June.

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Te Tuhi Kelly on 06/04/2023

If the evidence suggests that the charges have validity, it doesn't matter how much was allegedly misappropriated. If it is proven beyond reasonable that he/they are guilty as charged then that will be the outcome. Either, one does the crime and is convicted or one is not. This too my mind is not about what he/they did, it is about the office he/they held and that there must have been compelling reasons for the case to go to court. Either way he/they have brought the public service into disrepute and should face the consequences of their actions.