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Oldies rugby set for May

Wednesday 3 April 2019 | Published in Sports


Oldies rugby set for May
Oldies rugby is for anyone aged over 40-years with the modified rules designed to increase enjoyment and reduce over-rigorous play and chances of injury. It's a great opportunity for 'once were' rugby players to not only talk up their 'during my days' tales but also show it on the rugby field. 19031170

Are you over 40-years old and want to do more than just talk about your “during my day” rugby stories? Then the Cook Islands Oldies Rugby Mini Festival gives you and your mates the opportunity to lace your boots up and have a run with plenty of fun thrown in.

Are you over 40-years old and want to do more than just talk about your “during my day” rugby stories? Then the Cook Islands Oldies Rugby Mini Festival gives you and your mates the opportunity to lace your boots up and have a run with plenty of fun thrown in.

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