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Avarua’s Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints announce leadership change

Friday 19 November 2021 | Written by Supplied | Published in Local, National


Avarua’s Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints announce leadership change
New leadership change in the Avarua Cook Islands, District, Auckland New Zealand Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day-Saints. Centre – President Piltz and Tarani Napa, left, Pres. Angaroakau Aretoa Arera and Luduina Williams and right, Pres Turori and Fiona Matutu. SUPPLIED/21111820

After the passing of John Glassie Mateara, there was a need to reorganise the District Presidency of the Avarua Cook Islands District where he was the 1st counsellor to President Piltz Napa.

That process has taken a long time due to Covid-19 as the setting a part of the new counselors had to be done by our Mission Presidency living in Auckland.

On Sunday, October 24, Angaroakau Aretoa Arera Williams was called as the First Counselor and Turori Matutu was called as the Second Counselor to President Piltz Napa.

The process was unique in a way where President Napa was authorised to do the setting apart through virtual technology and witnessed through Zoom technology.

This indeed is the new norm that was spoken of by our modern day Prophets of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day-Saints.

We will be seeing more and more of the same prophecies coming to pass.