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Owner to pay $150 to girl attacked by dog

Wednesday 9 February 2022 | Written by Caleb Fotheringham | Published in Court, National


Owner to pay $150 to girl attacked by dog
Minister for tourism Patrick Arioka. PHOTO: CALEB FOTHERINGHAM/22020809

Mata Manuela was ordered to pay $150 in compensation costs in the Criminal Court at Avarua on Tuesday, to a girl who was attacked by her dog.

Mata Manuela was ordered to pay $150 in compensation costs in the Criminal Court at Avarua on Tuesday, to a girl who was attacked by her dog.

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Tony Heays on 09/02/2022

How can it possibly take 2 to 3 years to get this dog legislation ready? This has been an ongoing problem for years and years. Doesn't matter how many desexing programmes there are, these dogs will continue to do what they do! Whether its barking half the night or chasing me on my push bike. Over the last couple of weeks, while cycling the main road, I have been chased by dogs on four different occasions. This is a matter of urgency.