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It’s far too late for far too many

Monday 24 July 2017 | Published in Local


It’s far too late for far too many
Memory Mills, Mitch Nga and their children, MJ and Ordine, hold dear the memory of their son and big brother Tremayne, who took his life last year. 17072120

Moving past a personal battle of self-contrition and the consuming questions of ‘why’ and ‘what if’, a mother of 16-year-old boy who committed suicide in August last year has realised not enough is being done to prevent suicide in the Cook Islands. Memory Mills sat down with CI News reporter Shae Osborne to discuss the complex and confronting issues of teen suicide.

Moving past a personal battle of self-contrition and the consuming questions of ‘why’ and ‘what if’, a mother of 16-year-old boy who committed suicide in August last year has realised not enough is being done to prevent suicide in the Cook Islands. Memory Mills sat down with CI News reporter Shae Osborne to discuss the complex and confronting issues of teen suicide.

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