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A sound argument by Tepaki

Monday 27 July 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor


Dear Editor, The article by Tim Tepaki on the sale of fish by leasing boats was a sound argument and a great vision forward unfortunately when he started spouting Henry Puna as some saviour he was amiss is his accolades to explain why with all this forward thinking Puna supposedly is achieving with the UN push why Puna has sold our fish to the chinese for $2/kg but we are still paying $23 / kg.

Dear Editor, The article by Tim Tepaki on the sale of fish by leasing boats was a sound argument and a great vision forward unfortunately when he started spouting Henry Puna as some saviour he was amiss is his accolades to explain why with all this forward thinking Puna supposedly is achieving with the UN push why Puna has sold our fish to the chinese for $2/kg but we are still paying $23 / kg.

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