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Monday 27 January 2025 | Written by Supplied | Published in Opinion, Smoke Signals



Reading the CIN article, (Jan 20, 2025) about the government arranging a Supplementary budget in the next Parliamentary sitting in February… for important works …made me laugh ... .and cry! . … Where are the priorities? Of course we need roads and bridges, but we need a well-protected and safe environment more.

There was  only  a vague mention of  Police wage rates … equally a vague mention about teacher salaries, and  nursing staff… the Iti Tangata of the Cook islands should  realize that the PM, Mr. Mark Brown , is getting paid over $3000  +  per week…yes, you read that right…$3000 +  PER WEEK.

And his Ministers and assistant Ministers are not far behind…and that is not even including any of their fantastic allowances…Free car/Free  home living allowances, / free internet/ free power/ …did I mention clothing allowance?. ..the list goes on and on…they  probably don’t even have to touch their weekly pay  , because their allowances covers  their daily /weekly spending… and they are trying to tell the iti tangata  of Rarotonga that it is a problem to budget a reasonable increase in Police pay rates…those front line  personnel who do the actual work, manage the risks , and work 24/7  to try and keep our country safe ,and  looking after OUR interests and wellbeing.   

Who do you call when you have a problem???... Certainly not MARK BROWN!!  You ring the AKAVA!!  And with such limited resources, they respond when they can.  The PM is mostly up at around 39,000 ft, in Business Class of course, and then indulging in 5 star opulence at whatever Hotel he can find that will accommodate his tastes. And what about his and the others in the Travelling Tribe expenses?  Their per diems …massive daily $ living allowances while on TOUR… they come back from their mostly useless trips with more money than when they went away on their junkets, … and meanwhile the local police struggle to make ends meet, get enough staff together to fill a shift…try their best to cover all the major and minor issues that arise every minute of every day and night here in Rarotonga…and situation getting worse!!   No wonder there is so little interest in joining the police force…and yet, given a more attractive starting pay rate, of say, $15/$16 per hour, there could be considerably more interest in joining the Police Force. Perhaps the Minister/PM would like to share some of his $3000+ pay per week with the Police Ministry…he is so rarely here in Rarotonga and clearly out of touch with the reality of what is going on here on the Island… time to focus on local issues Mr. Minister, and perhaps even direct your Finance Ministry to loosen up those purse strings and make more $$$ available in that Supplementary Budget to the Police, teachers, and Nursing staff.


The CITC recycling ad on local TV has been going on for years… “Be a smart Kuki, use the right bin”...…very commendable, but where does that “recycled” waste go from those bins?  And more importantly, the Ad does not include Single Use Plastic bottles, of which CITC is one of the major importers.  Can someone from CITC, or from NES,  Statistics, ICI waste management division, or  even Customs,  please advise  the Public how many containers of Plastic bottles CITC , or indeed any other importers of single use plastic bottles , have  arranged to ship out  of Rarotonga over the years?  The Company (s)   imports these single use bottles, and no doubt do very well out of the business, but perhaps it is time to please advise the Public how you also assist in disposing   of those Single use Bottles?