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Letter: ‘Focus on local issues, PM’

Wednesday 14 August 2024 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


Letter: ‘Focus on local issues, PM’

Dear Editor, PM Mark Brown has decided to visit New Caledonia to try and bring peace to the warring factions. Well, how about staying home and meet the petitioners for the soon to be introduced water tax and tariff charges.

The Cook Islands has its own domestic economic and social problems and yet he’s trying to solve other nations problems. Get real, stay home and do the job you are paid for. Accept the, Keep Our Water Free, petition by 3400 petitioners and resolve it.

International reports say it’s very disappointing that the Cook Islands PM agreed for Japan to release its nuclear reactor water waste into the Pacific Ocean and at the same time, trumpeting the Blue Ocean Continent, to protect the Pacific’s oceans and lands.

Figure out this hypocrisy!

Free Water for the Little People

(Name and address supplied)