Friday 17 January 2025 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion
I have meticulously read through both articles again – the one from the Honourable MP on Tuesday, 7th January 2025, and the news article produced on Saturday, 11th January 2025. It’s important to note that any news article pertaining to the Airport Authority Cook Islands (AACI) with response and released to the public is always intended to be concise and precise, with the aim of having little to no ambiguity for the reader. I apologise if my previous communication caused any such confusion. We take great care to ensure that all information from divisions within the Airport, and externally, is sourced and peer-reviewed prior to being released publicly.
Part of my response was based on the Honourable MP’s statement in the Cook Islands News on Tuesday 7th January 2025, which quoted, “... according to Isamaela, his push for better lighting has faced resistance from Air Rarotonga ...”. Such a statement suggests that Air Rarotonga is against the proposal. Air Rarotonga has responded and disapproved of such comments on the 7th January 2025, where AACI provided clarification on this matter.
Additionally, on the 14th January 2025, the Honourable MP acknowledged in his letter that the dialogue had already commenced in early 2024 with Air Rarotonga and Aitutaki Airport Authority, who were both supportive of the installation of streetlights in principle. If this statement had been included in the article on the 7th January 2025, it would have potentially negated part of my response to the article published on the 11th January 2025.
Putting that aside, the letter to the editor on the 14th January 2025 by the Honourable MP highlights the relationship he has had with the Airport and the local airline. We appreciate the Honourable MP’s actions in providing the three streetlights, of which according to the Cook Islands News, two were installed by himself which was not opposed by the Airport and the regulator as it did not contravene Civil Aviation regulations.
I humbly request for the Honourable MP to continue working with the Airport, Airline, and the Regulator with future proposals regarding further installation of the street lights or objects within the vicinity of the Airport to ensure that Civil Aviation rules are not breached. These rules are in place for the safety of air travel for our people. Simultaneously, we should explore alternatives that adhere to Civil Aviation regulations while also improving our roads to prevent further accidents.
On that note, meitaki atupaka always to the Honourable MPs, his worship the Mayor, local government, and the people of Araura Enua for your ongoing support for the Aitutaki Airport and our staff.
Te Atua te Aroa.
Nikau Tangaroa
On behalf of Airport Authority Cook Islands