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Ruta Mave: Christians are human, but not all humans are Christians

Monday 20 January 2025 | Written by Ruta Tangiiau Mave | Published in Editorials, Opinion


Ruta Mave: Christians are human, but not all humans are Christians
Ruta Tangiiau Mave.

The reality of hypocrisy here is so large, we have become fat, lazy and entitled on the backs of non-Christian hand-outs that have enshrined us in dependency, writes Ruta Mave.

Let’s say it upfront, religion and politics should not mix. Religion should not influence how the government set and run the laws of the country and government should not influence whose god we believe in, should be more important than another.

If we do not abide by this notion, it will surely bite us in the backside if we are not careful.

The Prime Minister has wholeheartedly followed the last prime minister in travelling the world seeking money – funding from every source available to man from anywhere and anyone who has it on offer. The Government has us in debt to China and the Asian Development Bank and last year made promises to every flag imaginable, including Saudi Arabia. Led by the Prime Minister, this Government paints us as a sorrowful picture of woe, poverty and helplessness to attract the millions from countries who have given to us for infrastructure and climate change resilience.

If we were to paint the picture of money funded projects in the Cook Islands in terms of religion then we owe money to Buddhists who make up 18.2 per cent in China with folk religion at 21.9 per cent and only 5.1 per cent Christian. The interesting number is the atheists, they make up 52.2 per cent.

We have children learning in classrooms built from donations by Japan whose majority follow Shinto (the way of many gods) and Buddhism at 79.2 per cent with only 1 per cent identifying as Christian. 

Sports teams travel around in vans donated by India who are 81 per cent Hindus 12.9 per cent Muslim and 2.4 per cent Christian.

We come under the realm of New Zealand and we take their money, passport, pension and health care yet in the 2023 census over 51.6 per cent had no religion and Christianity was only 32.3 per cent down from 59 per cent in 2001. New Zealand does not have a state religion but Sikhism although very small in number is currently the fastest growing religion.

Australia’s major religion is Christianity with the major denominations in order of size being Catholic, Anglican, Uniting Church, Eastern Orthodox, Presbyterian and Reformed, Baptist and Pentecostal. Secular, other spiritual beliefs or no belief come a close second. Their fastest growing religion is Hinduism.

When it comes to the world, every country has a diverse smattering of religions within it, the only place in the world that does not have a single Muslim living in it is the Vatican City.

So, it comes to question why and how does the Religion Advisory Council (RAC) think they should ban certain religions here in this country and what’s more, take it to the government to make it a law by announcing to the world that the Cook Islands is a Christian state.

It is confusing to the public how we are told by the RAC only four denominations have been registered here – CICC, Catholic, Seventh day Adventist and Latter-Day Saints – Mormons. The chair of the RAC is Apostolic, and several other globally known denominations Jehovah Witness, Assembly of God, Bahai and others like Celebration, Wave and New Hope are still open for business. How does that work? Well, apparently it is by the discretion of the Justice minister who is allowed to operate.

We are a democracy and we have a practicing law(?) that allows one person to determine what is considered the ‘right’ spiritual path for everyone?

If we are Christians then I am hard pressed to believe we are practicing ones.  Or in the true sense of the word, we practice, but we haven’t mastered it yet.  We can’t even adhere to the basic concept of the Ten Commandments let alone any other deep dive concept.

As Christians we allow leaders in government, business and sport to lie, cheat and/or beat on their wives, steal public funding and abuse or assault others with no consequences.

If we want to be known as a Christian state then we need to give back the funding from all the non-Christian countries. We cannot possibly dirty our puritan hands with heathen money. 

If we say no to allowing people to pray as Muslims, then we must send them all home. As Christians how can you allow them to mow your lawns, clean your home or business or any other job if you deny their divine existence?

The reality of hypocrisy here is so large, we have become fat, lazy and entitled on the backs of non-Christian hand-outs that have enshrined us in dependency. 

If you want a Christian state then stop driving Toyota trucks, throw away your Konik TV and your made in China clothes, shoes, furniture and housing.

More importantly live a Christian life following the Bible and stop going to church just so you can ask forgiveness for all the sins you have committed every week.

Christians are human, but not all humans are Christians.