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OPINION: The power of Parliament

Friday 18 June 2021 | Written by Thomas Tarurongo Wynne | Published in Editorials, Opinion


When a Parliament sits at the convenience of its Government, or the Opposition spends its question time praising the government, or when Members of the Parliament can hold a full-time job and also collect a Parliamentary salary, or when success is measured by the announcement that they can now wear pareu on a Friday and a flower in their hair, what does that say about us who elect them, let alone the health of our 56 year old democracy? By Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.

When a Parliament sits at the convenience of its Government, or the Opposition spends its question time praising the government, or when Members of the Parliament can hold a full-time job and also collect a Parliamentary salary, or when success is measured by the announcement that they can now wear pareu on a Friday and a flower in their hair, what does that say about us who elect them, let alone the health of our 56 year old democracy? By Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.

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