Wednesday 5 February 2025 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Local, National
Punanga Turuturu Itivaine (PTI) centre coordinator Julia Evans, carries the “Aro’a” flag during the peaceful march ‘Walk4 Aro’a’ over the weekend to show their support for the victims of abuse and gender based violence. MELINA ETCHES/25020407
The calls all sought counselling services that were provided by PTI.
And in response to the deeply distressing case involving two young girls who suffered nine years of abuse, PTI joined others to organise the peaceful march “Walk4 Aro’a” over the weekend to show their support for the victims.
PTI has held its first board meeting for this year to plan for significant events, strategic partnerships, and a new job opportunity, set to make a positive impact in the community.
This month is also shaping up to be an important month for PTI, with several key activities on their agenda.
The Pacific Community (SPC) will be visiting the PTI team to assist with project reporting.
PTI’s project manager Sharon Kareroa will be participating in the Cook Islands National Council of Women’s trip to Atiu to strengthen collaboration while launching the GBV awareness programmes.
The Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre, in partnership with our Te Tango Akarangatira Ora’anga (INTAFF) ministry will facilitate a two-week workshop, with PTI providing support.
On September 20, 2025, PTI will host their ball to raise awareness about gender based violence. The ball will coincide with PTI’s birthday on September 19.
President, Eileen Story, said PTI is currently recruiting for a Grievance & Support Officer to provide valuable support to the community, and manage grievance support for the Ministry of Finance and Economic Management (MFEM) under the Green Climate Fund (GCF) proposal “Akamatutuanga to tatou ora'anga meitaki” (ATOM).
“This role reinforces PTI’s commitment to upholding ethical, legal, and moral standards in all its projects,” said Story.
She said the establishment of this role also secures PTI’s funding for the next five years, enabling continued investment in GBV, and sexual exploitation abuse and harassment (SEAH) awareness programmes as well as community projects.
The ideal candidate should have: certification or training in GBV case management, trauma-informed care, safeguarding, or crisis counselling; experience handling grievance mechanisms, Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment (SEAH) cases, or similar matters using a survivor-centred approach; and a strong understanding of confidentiality and ethical practices when handling sensitive issues.
If you or someone you know is interested in a 20-hour-per-week role, applications are open until February 14, email
Story is also calling out to members to renew their membership fees for only $10, and she would like to invite new female members to join and help strengthen the organisation's support network. Last year, PTI registered 70 members - this year, their goal is to reach 100.