Friday 27 December 2024 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Culture, Local, National
Children from the Sacred Heart Parish in Matavera celebrated the commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ during mass on Christmas morning. MELINA ETCHES/24122601
The Nativity scene typically includes a stable, animals, Mary and Joseph, and the baby Jesus in a manger. The stable represents the humble beginnings of Jesus who was born in a manger. The animals represent the presence of all of God’s creatures.
Father Freddy Kaina, the Matavera parish priest, delivered the Christmas morning service that was well attended.
He asked the parish to reflect on what Christmas means for them.
His Christmas message was to challenge the parishioners: “If we truly believe that Jesus is the reason for the season?”
Father Freddy said: “If we look at everything else that we conceive Christmas to be like a Christmas tree, decorations, presents, songs – that the commercial world perceives Christmas to be, if we were to strip all that away, everything that makes people feel good at Christmas – would we say it is still and feels like Christmas?
He asked: “Would Jesus truly be the reason for the season without all the commercial fanfare surrounding Christmas Day?”
Following the morning service, the children gifted each adult with handcrafted Christmas cards, chocolates and gifts.
On Rarotonga, the Catholic churches displayed their nativity scenes at their respective churches.