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Suspended sentences for driver involved in two accidents

Monday 2 September 2024 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Court, National


Suspended  sentences for  driver involved  in two accidents
Cook Islands High Court. LOSIRENE LACANIVALU/24050916

At the Criminal Court last week, Inosi Vulava was handed 12 months of concurrent suspended sentences for the two charges of careless driving.

Police prosecutor, senior sergeant Fairoa Tararo said that on May 9, this year, Vulava crashed into a parked vehicle at the Nikao backroad.

The defendant had taken his vehicle to a mechanic shop in the area to check his failed brakes and had put the gear in reverse when he rolled back and crashed. The damage caused was $815.

Senior sergeant Tararo said Vulava had already started making payments.

On another charge, senior sergeant Tararo said that on July 17, the defendant was driving towards Ngatangiia from the Titikaveka direction to pick up his phone from a friend. He fell asleep and crashed into the Titikaveka church wall towards the fire station.

A blood analysis was taken which returned below the legal alcohol limit.

Justice of the Peace Nadine Newnham ordered that he pay a blood reparation analysis report cost of $150 and pay the damage costs to the vehicle of $815.