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The best things in life are often right under our noses

Saturday 28 November 2020 | Written by Katrina Lintonbon | Published in Features, Weekend


The best things in life are often right under our noses
George Mateariki aka Birdman George is a flora and fauna expert. (PHOTO: KATRINA TANIRAU) 20112711

The internet has brought the world closer together. If you want to see the Eiffel Tower in Paris or the Statue of Liberty in New York, Google will show you the way in a matter of seconds. However, nothing compares to going to a place for the very first time and feeling, smelling, hearing and tasting everything around you as Katrina Tanirau found out in Nga Pu Toru (Atiu, Mitiaro and Mauke) and Mangaia.

The internet has brought the world closer together. If you want to see the Eiffel Tower in Paris or the Statue of Liberty in New York, Google will show you the way in a matter of seconds. However, nothing compares to going to a place for the very first time and feeling, smelling, hearing and tasting everything around you as Katrina Tanirau found out in Nga Pu Toru (Atiu, Mitiaro and Mauke) and Mangaia.

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