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11 November 2022

‘Strong Mums’ encourage others to kick-start their own health and fitness journey

Saturday 13 November 2021 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Features


‘Strong Mums’ encourage others to kick-start their own health and fitness journey
From front left: Shona Kirikava, Tai Cummings, Myland Lane and Kathy Numanga Wearing take a break from a weekend walk. 21111204.

Four mothers, Myland Lane, Tai Cummings, Kathy Numanga Wearing and Shona Kirikava, have committed to their Strong Mums Journey – an intense fitness and health programme that has improved and transformed their lifestyles for the better. They share their health journey on social media hoping it would inspire others to follow suit.

Four mothers, Myland Lane, Tai Cummings, Kathy Numanga Wearing and Shona Kirikava, have committed to their Strong Mums Journey – an intense fitness and health programme that has improved and transformed their lifestyles for the better. They share their health journey on social media hoping it would inspire others to follow suit.

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