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Leave stonefish alone

Monday 3 October 2016 | Published in Smoke Signals


HERE WE GO again… Now some masters of the universe want to remove all the stone fish to the other side of the reef. Who are you people to go and disturb their habitat? It is their season so bear with them. Look where you are going: That’s why God gave us eyes. Don’t anybody tell me the tourists won’t come again because we have stonefish. I would choose our environment over tourists, anytime.

HERE WE GO again… Now some masters of the universe want to remove all the stone fish to the other side of the reef. Who are you people to go and disturb their habitat? It is their season so bear with them. Look where you are going: That’s why God gave us eyes. Don’t anybody tell me the tourists won’t come again because we have stonefish. I would choose our environment over tourists, anytime.

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