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Talbot walks, Puna talks

Friday 12 July 2019 | Published in Letters to the Editor


Talbot walks, Puna talks
James Talbot during one of his walks in New Zealand.

Dear editor, To the people who find the wage increase of the Cook Islands MPs outrageous I invite you to look at your job, your industry, and figure out what you could do and achieve with an extra $50,000 per year, as Prime Minister Henry Puna gave himself. I invite you to send lists of how $700,000 every year will improve your work, sport and charity.

Dear editor, To the people who find the wage increase of the Cook Islands MPs outrageous I invite you to look at your job, your industry, and figure out what you could do and achieve with an extra $50,000 per year, as Prime Minister Henry Puna gave himself. I invite you to send lists of how $700,000 every year will improve your work, sport and charity.

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