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Preserving culture everyone’s responsibility

Monday 19 March 2018 | Published in Politics


Preserving culture everyone’s responsibility
Prime minister Henry Puna at the unveiling of the Te Puna Korero and the Sir Geoff rey Henry National Culture Centre plaque, one of the most recent examples of preserving, perpetuating and promoting culture. 18030402

This is the fifth and final in a series of CINews articles on the new National Culture Policy initiated by the Ministry of Cultural Development. The policy addresses five strategic goals, and while its effects may not be noticed until later this year, it will introduce a number of significant changes. The final strategic goal is support and coordination.

This is the fifth and final in a series of CINews articles on the new National Culture Policy initiated by the Ministry of Cultural Development. The policy addresses five strategic goals, and while its effects may not be noticed until later this year, it will introduce a number of significant changes. The final strategic goal is support and coordination.

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