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Sex offender in Rarotonga

Thursday 14 May 2015 | Published in Local


News of a convicted paedophile living on Rarotonga has sent a wave of unease across the island. The biggest concern for parents and the wider community, who have taken to social media to air their views and concerns, is the lack of notification from authorities of the man’s arrival on the island. “How do these people come in without any alarm bells ringing?” questioned one concerned member of the public sharing their concerns via a mass email. “Please pass around and watch out for your children,” wrote another email sender.

News of a convicted paedophile living on Rarotonga has sent a wave of unease across the island. The biggest concern for parents and the wider community, who have taken to social media to air their views and concerns, is the lack of notification from authorities of the man’s arrival on the island. “How do these people come in without any alarm bells ringing?” questioned one concerned member of the public sharing their concerns via a mass email. “Please pass around and watch out for your children,” wrote another email sender.

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