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Te Ipukarea Society: How we (bank) roll!

Saturday 2 February 2019 | Published in Environment


Te Ipukarea Society: How we (bank) roll!
Te Ipukarea Society's staff are dedicated to protecting the environment. 19020218

Te Ipukarea Society (TIS) is the longest serving, proactive, non-government environmental organisation in the Cook Islands. The society was formed in 1996 to help look after our natural heritage and provide the iti tangata with more of a voice on issues that impact our environment. TIS is a membership-based organisation made up of individual, family, and corporate members, who desire a sustainable, healthy and beautiful environment.

Te Ipukarea Society (TIS) is the longest serving, proactive, non-government environmental organisation in the Cook Islands. The society was formed in 1996 to help look after our natural heritage and provide the iti tangata with more of a voice on issues that impact our environment. TIS is a membership-based organisation made up of individual, family, and corporate members, who desire a sustainable, healthy and beautiful environment.

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